OSP Spring Newsletter
First off we'd like to say a massive congratulations to everyones progress over the past 12 weeks. The programming has certainly stepped up a notch across the board and you've reacted with flying colours. You can find the weekly WODS on the blog as normal and this weeks is up right now with a description of how the next 6 weeks are going to pan out. We would also like all members to fill out a feedback survey as its been quite a while since we've done one and would love to know your thoughts. The link is below....
We've got a new coach!
This year we're welcoming Aron Fletcher on board to assist in coaching at the gym. Aron's been training at OSP since we've opened and has shown unrivalled dedication over the last 4 years. More recently Aron completed his level 2 gym instructor course and is currently finishing off his level 3 advanced personal training qualification. Aron has a vast amount of experience in weightlifting and has competed at a national level and now hopes to further develop as a coach. He will be assisting Conor on Tuesday nights, taking all new members through their foundations and will start rolling out PT at weekends. We want you as members to assist in Aron's development so don't be shy to ask him a question or allow him to help you out with your technique.
Easter Weekend Time Table
Good Friday - Every year we do Murph and 2018 is no exception
6:30-7:30 - Murph
7:30-9:30 - Open Gym
9:30-10:30 - Murph
10:30-17:00 - Open Gym
No evening classes.
Saturday - Classes as normal. Gym shuts at 12.
Easter Sunday - Closed
Bank Holiday Monday
9:30-10:30 - SWEAT
10:30-12:00 - Open Gym
Shut at 12.
Upcoming Events
Saturday 21st April - Battle of Britain - Coaches Jon and Conor, Sophie Hammond, Simon Ensor and Barry Kilminster are all competing in Birmingham at one of the UK's biggest Crossfit Competitions. Any support would be great - check Battle of Britain out on Facebook for more details.
Sunday 6th May - OSP Training Day. Full days training ran by the coaches aimed at competitive athletes who wish to learn and push their fitness to the next level.
Sunday 27th May - Snowdon Trip, meeting at the gym for 6:00am and leaving for Snowdon shortly after. All members welcome and we'll care share as needed. Fireman Dan will be leading the route of Grig Goch for the more adventurous climbers (weather permitting) and all others can follow the Pyg Track.
Saturday 7th July - The Chase Games!! OSP's newly branded throw-down with 20 scaled and 20 rx mixed sex teams battling it out for the title of the fittest in the Chase. (More information coming your way this week)