This weeks workouts
Monday - Gymnastics
1. 4 rounds
10-15 TTR
30 Second Box Handstand Push Up Hold
10 Lateral Box Pistols each way
2. 40 seconds on 80 seconds off x 4
20 seconds max pull ups (use this time to practice butterfly if you've been learning the last couple weeks) directly into 20 seconds max press ups
3. 30 Strict Pull Ups for quality
4. AMRAP 12 - In pairs you go i go
1 Thruster + 1 rep per round @50/35
2 Toes To Bar + 2 reps per round
3 Box Jump Overs + 3 reps per round
Tuesday - Conditioning
1. EMOM 32
a - 10 Burpee Box Jumps
b - 15/12 Cal Row
c - 10 DB Snatch + 10 Wall Balls
d - 30 DU + 12 DB Lunges
2. 30 on 30 off x 10 rounds
max effort 10m shuttle run
Wednesday - Weightlifting
1. Snatch complex EMOM 10
1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS @70%-80%
2. Snatch grip deadlift
5 x 3 @110% 1RM Snatch no tng
3. Push Press
4 x 3 climbing in weight from 65% max jerk
4. For time - 10 minute cap
30 Deadlifts
30 Front Squats
30 Push Jerks
Thursday - Conditioning
1. 10 rounds for time
200m Run
6 Tng Clean and Jerks @60/40
12 Burpees
*Rest 1 minute between rounds
You have to stay tng!
2. 3 rounds
15 leg rasies on rig
30/30 second side plank
Friday - Partner workout TBA
If you follow the program outside of the gym make sure you tag us on social media so we can keep up with your progress! (FB- optimalsp, Insta - optimal_sp)